Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Heroes

There are many heroes that we have in live. They can be fictional, a role model, or even your parents. One of my heroes is Batman. Batman’s parents were murdered when he was just a child and from that moment on, he was determined to fight crime. He doesn’t have any special powers or mutations, but rather he uses his wit and gadgets to make himself a lethal weapon. He has all the fame and fortune a person could want, and yet he fights criminals just to bring justice to Gotham City. He is brave, intelligent, and honorable which makes him one of my heroes.

Another hero of mine is Peyton Manning. He studies countless hours of film and practices until he has perfected his throws. Manning is unwavering in the face of adversity. He commands his teammates and orchestrates an offense unmatched by any other team. With all of his success on the field, he also finds time to assist those in need. He has helped so much, that he even has a children’s hospital after him. One of my greatest memories of Peyton is from the AFC championship game. He had been beaten by the Patriots countless times in the playoffs and once again faced losing to them. He led a drive in the final two minutes to steal the game and win the AFC title. Even with all odds stacked against him, Peyton finds ways to be victorious.

A personal hero of mine would be my grandmother. She raised 9 children as a single mother who worked multiple jobs (including being a lunch lady at Roncalli). She fought to be able to send my dad to a good school like Roncalli. She never lost that fight, even in her old age. Three times she faced cancer, and unfortunately she only won two of three. She was brave in the face of adversity and never took the easy way out. She is an inspiration to me and that is why she is my hero.

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