Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Shakespearean Sonnet

The sonnet that I chose to find the meaning of is Sonnet 73.  The sonnet speaks about the changing of seasons to the winter months.  This is shown in lines 1-3 which say "That time of year thou mayst in me behold/When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang/Upon those boughs which shake against the cold".  As the seasons change, everything begins to die.  The sonnet also says that his love is stronger now.  This is displayed in line 13 which says "This thou perceiv'st, which makes thy love more stong".  He explains that even as the world grows colder, his love endures and burns with a greater passion.  The message of the sonnet is that love can get through anything and is greater than any obstacle.

I do believe that the message of the sonnet is true.  If you truely love someone, then it should last through everything.  Love should grow stronger in the most trying of times.  No matter what happens,  love should stay strong.  The Bible describes love the best.  It says in 1 Corinthians 13:7 that "love endures all things".  God knows what true love is so if it says it in the bible then it must be true.  The message of love being strong is true in the case of this sonnet.


  1. I know we discussed this sonnet in class, but i really think that how you used the lines and described it more in depth helped out greatly. I agree with the second paragraph very much to! Good thinking on using the Bilbe passage!

  2. I agree with Danny. The Bible is probably a reliable source when it comes to love. This quote shows that love should not only survive hardships, but grow stronger through them.

  3. I think you hit the nail on the head when summarizing this poem. I liked how you tied it in with the Bible.

    P.S.-Keagin... Bible is spelled like that
