Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Shawshank Redemption


The plot of the story is told in a very clever way.  It is told through the eyes of Red, a man who is in jail for murdering his wife.  The story is told in a somewhat casual way..  It is told in a way that seems very conversational so it really pulls you in.  An example of this is when Red asks interacts with the reader such as when he says "Have I rehabilitated myself, you ask?".  The story moves a bit slow at times but it still holds the readers interest throughtout.

Point of View

The story is told in first person perspective.  Red serves as the narrator of the story and recounts his time in prison.  This point of view allows the reader to really see what Red feels about everything that he goes through.  This perspective also shows the limits of the characters view. One example of this is when Red talks about the confrontation between Andy and Byron Hadley.  He claims that Andy became a legend after tons of people saw him while in reality, only a few were actually there.  This shows that you can't always trust what Red says to be true. 


 Red is the main character of the story and is the narrator.  He is a very confident man who stays strong throughout the story.  He is attacked multiple times by the Sisters but he is still able to maintian his sense of self-worth. Andy is another main character who is respected by his most of the inmates.  Andy is a very relaxed person who is not quick to anger.  Andy is able to manipulate the warden which adds to his legend.


The setting of the story is Shawshank Prison.  The prison serves as a sort of a nightmare for Red.  It is a reminder of the murder he committed which got him stuck there.  It also is a reminder of how badly he has been treated by both the guards and the Sisters.  Even with these bad reminders, it also is a synbol for hope.  He meets Andy there who becomes one of his best friends and he is also able to escape from the prison to get to a better life. 


There are multiple themes in the story.  One theme is that there is a severe punishment for commiting serious crimes.  Red not only was convicted to life imprisonment, but he also had to deal with hardships such as being raped many times and being treated terribly by those around him.  It shows that there are consequences that go along with being a murderer.  Another theme is that of hope.   Hope is a the biggest theme because it is seen throughout the story.  Red and Andy are given hope for a new life when they are able to escape the prison. Them being able to escape also gave hope to all the inmates that they may be able to escape this nightmare some day.

1 comment:

  1. plot and characterization are especially lacking in detail.
